- @DrMichaelBrooks nice try #
- #amlistening Photek – DJ-Kicks Mixed http://t.co/cPrXOBYj #
- In which David Sloan Wilson pwns Milton Friedman > http://t.co/HGTycf4i #
- Related: slightly baffling call for social scientists to get over their "physics envy" > http://t.co/FxrjDM2q < via @rogerhighfield #
- Laser-guided lightning > http://t.co/t9ZNXEJg #
- At the annual opening of the splendid Nunhead and Diistrict Municipal Museum, a local gem http://t.co/D6yYn4M3 #
- This year, the focus is on Nunhead's almost forgotten role as the birthplace of Abstract Expressionism http://t.co/5BG57BeJ #
- Turning jelly into a musical instrument > http://t.co/MQFueazq < see also: http://t.co/aXd6fFuZ #
- @oldmapman You should blog about this… #