@sumit on 2011-12-23

  • burn! RT @EmanuelDerman: The Anthropic Principle is the Efficient Market Hypothesis of Physics, a defeat turned into an apparent prediction #
  • @WaitroseUK Utter #deliveryfail from Beckenham last night. Will it turn up as promised at 2pm today? Oh the suspense. And wee bit of rage #
  • .@EmanuelDerman I'm agnostic on the anthropic – just meant the comparison with EMH is pretty harsh. zing! might have been clearer… #
  • Mysterious "nodding syndrome" spreading through Uganda http://t.co/cIl6yJWP #
  • @alittlebriton What was the last time? #
  • @catdl @niallfirth alas, total deliveryfail is threatening chrimbo without pocket-sized brassica fun #

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