@sumit on 2011-11-09

  • @alexwashoe @edyong209 Well, we don't know for sure, but all we've found so far are fossilized liberal arts textbooks #
  • "Should restrainingOrder be an edge or a node in this data model?" Why the social graph is neither > http://t.co/StFtsCX0 < via @mwhybark #
  • "As a Frenchman, I'm sorry to say; it was just not wine": dehydrated drinks fail to quench thirst of Mars 500 crew > http://t.co/UiVCeXN7 #
  • I have 452 tabs open and BarTab isn't compatible with Firefox 8. Something's gotta give #
  • @Jkworthington The two are being commissioned entirely independently, but I'm sure interesting juxtapositions will arise… #arc #

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