- And how much it saves RT @newscientist: How much energy does the entire internet consume? http://t.co/pVMjVyla #
- Am close to losing my game of haircut chicken with @rowhoop – mind you, he doesn't even know he's playing (shh! nobody tell him) #
- @jme_c @rowhoop I refuse to prove pictorial evidence, but think if Tintin had let himself go and then dipped his head in a bucket of tar #
- @rowhoop Skynet baiter #
- How Delia's lampshade helped electronic music evolve from oddity to ubiquity > http://t.co/XRFi96cn < by me #
- Apparently the Congolese have a word for people like me: I'm an Ilunga http://t.co/qnrh4rAm via olivia_solon #
- @kieronflanagan We wrote about her when the first phase of the exhibition opened – follow the "Oramics Machine" link in the current story… #