- Astronomers think they've spotted comets pummeling an exoplanet. What tipped them off? The nanodiamonds. Yes > http://t.co/y7fGSpU8 #
- @RogerHighfield of chocolate milk, presumably #
- At Babylab > http://t.co/BDqBnafN cute factor 9 > http://t.co/gvwLgfjK #
- telepathic eavesdropping, attaching thoughts to faces. @audioobscura feels uneasily like stalking #
- Lunch @eastst on what is purportedly "London's newest street". Hmm #
- @mondoagogo I think that particular struggle for definition is a lost cause now #
- Back at work. Where are we? Ah yes: volcano-eating beavers > http://t.co/PlGtv7gG #
- Gutted that I'm not going to be able to make @thisisplayful tomorrow, even though it's just across the road from @NewScientist Towers #
- Speaking of events I probably won't be able to get to, is @wonderstories actually happening next Friday? #
- @justinpickard Ah good. Well, I look forward to failing to see you there. #