@sumit on 2011-10-06

  • Sorry! RT @armccartney: It was on the @newscientist site, but even so, this CAPTCHA is a bit much http://t.co/sb6VSQ1c #
  • @armccartney We are considering alternatives to reCaptcha, by the way, although most have their own drawbacks #
  • @armccartney We thought it was pretty funny too! We'll do our best to keep the good stuff coming, thank you #
  • A "popemobile" for Grays Perry's venerable teddy bear > http://t.co/DvnYDYh5 > beguiling juxtaposition of art and artefacts @britishmuseum #
  • @RogerHighfield Fantastic book! Good news, even if it means the value of my vintage copy has just been decimated – it used to go for £200! #
  • And here's @Sally_Adee 's award-winning feature on cleaning up your online identity, "Keeping up e-ppearances" > http://t.co/cfZVHVs4 #
  • Not sure that #RSAhumanity is so much a meeting of minds as a mixing of metaphors #
  • How Steve Jobs, the world's most powerful music executive, ushered in "a era of frothy pop maximalism" > http://t.co/EPwXlz2P <via @sfj #
  • An obituary of Henry Ford > http://t.co/4gEUQine (Why Ford? Vertical integration) #

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