- Fun story to read, too. RT @hvthomson: Reconstructing speech from brainwaves. Fun story to write. http://t.co/Skw5A5Kh #
- Echelon and on and on MT @newscientist: FBI: We'll only look for keywords such as "bomb" and "suspicious package" http://t.co/UnhDegsU #
- CHINA MIÉVILLE loves tentacular sea-beasts. So Arc arranged for him to meet some > http://t.co/5y0oAyNk #
- Art by Animals @GrantMuseum: undecided on agency, but I'd put it on my wall. CultureLab review > http://t.co/3UH1jF8f #
- Glass hippocampi and miracle paintings @ExploreWellcome – fascinating, charming, touching and incredibly frustrating #