@sumit on 2012-01-08

  • Physics legends at #Hawking70 figuring out the slebs tipped to come later: "Daniel Craig, this guy Cumberbatch and some red-headed model" #
  • Rees: It's better to read first-rate science fiction than second-rate science: more stimulating, if about as likely to be wrong #Hawking70 #
  • Rees: no astronomer would believe humans are at the top of the evolutionary tree when the Sun still has billions of years to go #
  • Galactic collisions sped up 10^15 times.10^15! #Hawking70 #
  • Rees: The best symbol for cosmology? An ourobouros, the snake swallowing its tail – from quantum to cosmos and round again #Hawking70 #
  • But there's a third frontier: complexity. Even an insect is harder to understand than a star #Hawking70 #
  • Rees: allergic to multiverses? Think of this as an exercise in counterfactual history #Hawking70 #
  • Would you bet your goldfish, dog or life on multiverses? Rees: dog. Linde: life. Weinberg: Rees's dog and Linde's life #Hawking70 #
  • Perlmutter: "Big Soup" might have been better than "Big Bang"; might not have caught on, though… #
  • Perlmutter planned to call talk "how to find the fate of the universe using tools from your own home". Foiled by need for huge telescope #
  • Before galaxies disappear RT @KatieScott1980: Perlmutter: funding agencies have to fund now as universe is accelerating #hawking70 #
  • Perlmutter: If you really want to work with people, should got into the sciences! #Hawking70 #
  • Kip Thorne: I measure the success of my popular book in milli-Hawkings #Hawking70 #
  • Thorne: Everything likes to live where it ages most slowly: and time freezes at the surface of a black hole #Hawking70 #
  • Throne: Hawking & Bekenstein saw laws of black hole dynamics were really the laws of thermodynamics in disguise #Hawking70 #
  • Colliding black holes surrounded by expanding tubes of twisting space: "tendexes" (from "tendere",Latin for twist, as vortex is from turn) #
  • .@intc_rattner was once crushed by Hawking saying physics needed better telescopes, not computers. Happy ending: now scopes *are* computers #
  • Hawking used to play in a V2 bombsite a few doors away from his boyhood in Highgate #Hawking70 #
  • Hawking's classmates bet a bag of sweets that he'd never amount to anything. "I do not know if the bet was ever settled. Or how." #Hawking70 #
  • SH: Defending Hoyle's steady-state theory would have been harder than saving the euro #narrowescape #Hawking70 #
  • Hawking never saw the doctor who diagnosed him again. "He washed his hands of me." #Hawking70 #
  • SH: The discovery of Hawking radiation resulted from a warm-up exercise for an assault on quantum gravity #Hawking70 #
  • Hawking gave Preskill a baseball encyclopedia to settle bet over BH information. But "perhaps I should have just given him the ashes" #
  • As he told NS http://t.co/y3MRiud0 MT @astrolisa: SH: Thinking info destroyed in BH was my biggest blunder – at least in physics. #Hawking70 #
  • Staggeringly ill-timed #batteryfail knocked me and @astrolisa off Twitter just before the moving climax of Hawking's speech, alas. #
  • @skyponderer *Intellectual* discovery. Yeah, all right, prediction. #
  • @littlesimon Thanks! Glad they're useful #
  • My cab driver: "Stephen Hawking? Had him in the back of the cab once." His sister, a Cambridge physics PhD, is founding a uni in Peshawar #
  • @MelissaSterry Should point out it was Martyn Rees who said that, not me. Though I very much agree #
  • @howaskew Rees' previous sentence was about humans being at the complex interface of micro and macro, and that "even an insect…" #
  • @tomhpollock Ooh, get you. do I recognize that woodcrete? #
  • And now we return to our scheduled programming. DNA, RNA, TNA, PNA, GNA, ANA… http://t.co/rQFwGNQl #

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@sumit on 2012-01-08

  • Physics legends at #Hawking70 figuring out the slebs tipped to come later: "Daniel Craig, this guy Cumberbatch and some red-headed model" #
  • Rees: It's better to read first-rate science fiction than second-rate science: more stimulating, if about as likely to be wrong #Hawking70 #
  • Rees: no astronomer would believe humans are at the top of the evolutionary tree when the Sun still has billions of years to go #
  • Galactic collisions sped up 10^15 times.10^15! #Hawking70 #
  • Rees: The best symbol for cosmology? An ourobouros, the snake swallowing its tail – from quantum to cosmos and round again #Hawking70 #
  • But there's a third frontier: complexity. Even an insect is harder to understand than a star #Hawking70 #
  • Rees: allergic to multiverses? Think of this as an exercise in counterfactual history #Hawking70 #
  • Would you bet your goldfish, dog or life on multiverses? Rees: dog. Linde: life. Weinberg: Rees's dog and Linde's life #Hawking70 #
  • Perlmutter: "Big Soup" might have been better than "Big Bang"; might not have caught on, though… #
  • Perlmutter planned to call talk "how to find the fate of the universe using tools from your own home". Foiled by need for huge telescope #
  • Before galaxies disappear RT @KatieScott1980: Perlmutter: funding agencies have to fund now as universe is accelerating #hawking70 #
  • Perlmutter: If you really want to work with people, should got into the sciences! #Hawking70 #
  • Kip Thorne: I measure the success of my popular book in milli-Hawkings #Hawking70 #
  • Thorne: Everything likes to live where it ages most slowly: and time freezes at the surface of a black hole #Hawking70 #
  • Throne: Hawking & Bekenstein saw laws of black hole dynamics were really the laws of thermodynamics in disguise #Hawking70 #
  • Colliding black holes surrounded by expanding tubes of twisting space: "tendexes" (from "tendere",Latin for twist, as vortex is from turn) #
  • .@intc_rattner was once crushed by Hawking saying physics needed better telescopes, not computers. Happy ending: now scopes *are* computers #
  • Hawking used to play in a V2 bombsite a few doors away from his boyhood in Highgate #Hawking70 #
  • Hawking's classmates bet a bag of sweets that he'd never amount to anything. "I do not know if the bet was ever settled. Or how." #Hawking70 #
  • SH: Defending Hoyle's steady-state theory would have been harder than saving the euro #narrowescape #Hawking70 #
  • Hawking never saw the doctor who diagnosed him again. "He washed his hands of me." #Hawking70 #
  • SH: The discovery of Hawking radiation resulted from a warm-up exercise for an assault on quantum gravity #Hawking70 #
  • Hawking gave Preskill a baseball encyclopedia to settle bet over BH information. But "perhaps I should have just given him the ashes" #
  • As he told NS http://t.co/y3MRiud0 MT @astrolisa: SH: Thinking info destroyed in BH was my biggest blunder – at least in physics. #Hawking70 #
  • Staggeringly ill-timed #batteryfail knocked me and @astrolisa off Twitter just before the moving climax of Hawking's speech, alas. #
  • @skyponderer *Intellectual* discovery. Yeah, all right, prediction. #
  • @littlesimon Thanks! Glad they're useful #
  • My cab driver: "Stephen Hawking? Had him in the back of the cab once." His sister, a Cambridge physics PhD, is founding a uni in Peshawar #
  • @MelissaSterry Should point out it was Martyn Rees who said that, not me. Though I very much agree #
  • @howaskew Rees' previous sentence was about humans being at the complex interface of micro and macro, and that "even an insect…" #
  • @tomhpollock Ooh, get you. do I recognize that woodcrete? #
  • And now we return to our scheduled programming. DNA, RNA, TNA, PNA, GNA, ANA… http://t.co/rQFwGNQl #

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