- "My project is a set of DNA molecule plush dolls that magnetically interact where they naturally hydrogen bond" http://t.co/MMiKnsiC Hooray! #
- A suicidal cloud is about to wake the sleeping giant at the centre of our galaxy > http://t.co/yhaNCGM1 #
- @laurenbeukes It's like a hashtag brought to taxidermic life. #
- @laurenbeukes oh, i was talking about the beetles! #
- @laurenbeukes Disguise? What disguise? Behold the true face of XENOBIOLOGICAL TERROR #
- I love everything about this > RT @LDN: A soundmap of London's waterways http://t.co/JUCaIWPE < but especially the Beckmod #
- Superfly guy, gonna take you higher > http://t.co/NWk3l2jF < all the way to Titan, to be precise #
- RT @arcfinity: Announcing Arc, a new magazine about the future from the makers of New Scientist: http://t.co/72zyQSwW #
- Hey @ryanqnorth – we've done a story about real-life Machines of Death! Um, sort of http://t.co/uTftEdSE #
- Fabric fit for a technicolour dreamcoat > http://t.co/MkGZf3Si #
- Oops, fixed link RT Hey @ryanqnorth – we've done a story about real-life Machines of Death! Um, sort of http://t.co/gi36DcLw #