- Herzog is going to Death Row. Wow. > http://t.co/weoxseGp #
- Rabbits suspicious this a.m. Can they sense yesterday's #tws3 taxidermy session? Stop looking at me like that! DON'T YOU JUDGE ME! #
- #tws3 LON ended strong, btw, with swarmbots http://t.co/JMRcJtQ9 & Slavin http://t.co/ijSS88JE Good to meet @bruces @darthjulian @liam_young #
- @ClarkeAward It's the future. Hybridity can be a word. #
- @tomhpollock Hey, when has he ever made a film that wasn't a laugh a minute? Oh. #
- @NewCrossBags STRONG TRUTH #
- Where shall I go today? Maybe "a falconry demonstration… in the front room of a Clapham townhouse." http://t.co/5ap6h6PA #
- Lovely readings by @courttianewland down @nxpl this afternoon – more local writers coming soon #savelibraries #