- @rowhoop curiosity / horror #
- Eagerly-awaited advance copies of our TIME special issue delayed in transit to @Newscientist Towers. <insert your own joke here> #
- Ice-age nettles survive in the murky depths of Chinese caves > http://t.co/vWiuPfFv #
- Climatequake > http://t.co/jA3J0RgV #wordoftheday #
- How much for India's Android tablet-for-the-masses? Do I hear $35? http://t.co/JeBKXZVa $45? http://t.co/N2tyNx0s $50? http://t.co/Vq9AZH7w #
- Me too MT @changeist: Going to institute a monthly #readlaterday to clear the decks of all long-form saves + bookmarks. #occupyinstapaper #
- Lovely performance by Lucy Grey of my lonely-astronaut monologue "Revolution #99 quot; @InsignificantUK; thanks to her & the #Speakeasy directors #